News for Upswing Advocates
After 5 years as a nonprofit organization, August, Worner, and the Board of Directors acknowledged together that it was time to dissolve our 501(c)(3) status. This has been a labor of love that takes much energy. It is important to us to continue to align our actions with our values while caring for this work, our communities, and ourselves as humans. The time has come for us to name the fact that this work is not sustainable for us in its current state and that the work will continue, but in different ways and from an individual, rather than organizational, basis.
Although initially there was discussion of Upswing Advocates morphing into Upswing Collaborative, it became increasingly clear that our energy and advocacy efforts are moving in more free-form directions. We look forward to continuing to know you all as August and Worner, and not as a formal entity. We are so grateful for the time we had to create such a unique, non-hierarchical, queer and trans led thing, which we were able to sustain for years through your support, through creative problem-solving, and through continuing to evaluate and respond sensitively to the needs of the LGBTQ2IA community.
Our website will remain up as a resource hub. We are deeply appreciative for each of you who have believed in our mission and supported us in all the ways that you have over the past 5 years!
-August Stockwell (updated on July 23, 2021)
Research and education to support LGBTQ2IA people in Chicago and beyond.
our Mission
To use a self-as-expert approach to research and education that strengthens and supports the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Two-Spirit, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQ2IA) community in Chicago and the surrounding areas.
We envision freely available and affordable treatments and services that are tailored to the LGBTQ2IA community that are empirically supported by data-based, community-informed research.
As a data-driven organization, we collaborate and work directly with LGBTQ2IA individuals and focus groups. We aim to identify research needs and shape research methodology in a way that will be workable and meaningful for all participants, while remaining rooted in ethical scientific practice. We also offer data-based, community-informed trainings to help professionals who are interested in building their competence in working with people who are LGBTQ2IA.
Our core values are community-driven.
Self-determination: We believe that all people deserve respect, and the freedom to make their own choices and focus on what is most valuable to them. Each person has the right to define their gender, sexuality, and other identities in whatever ways they choose.
Non-hierarchical work: Rather than a more traditional model of "experts" shaping research and trainings, our focus is on creating collaborative relationships with emphasis on shared experiences and strengths.
Workability: We strive to do what makes practical sense. If a strategy stops working, or doesn't work in a particular context, we seek out new options to determine what works best in a given situation, and continue to evaluate progress over time.
Empowering the LGBTQ2IA community: We seek out direct involvement and feedback from LGBTQ2IA individuals in our organization's activities and leadership so the research we conduct and the education we provide is by us, for us. In addition, no one will be turned away from educational services because of an inability to pay.
Medical Care Self-Advocacy
These Checklists and Worksheets are a work in progress. See something missing, or have suggestions for updates? Please let us know. Last updated March 2020.
Financial Information
From conducting research that affirms and benefits the LGBTQ2IA community, to providing access to programming on a sliding scale, your support has made it possible for us to build infrastructure and meet the unique needs of the community, including training for helping professionals on providing affirming care. You can read about these projects in our annual reports documents, below.